History is rife with harrowing tales of river trips gone bad. On second thought, “bad” may be an understatement. Consider the expedition of Lewis and Clark deep into the Louisiana Purchase – finding a way to the western coast of the continent – mostly by following the paths of rivers. Or the Amazon expedition of then-former president Teddy Roosevelt – a trip with a mission to map a tributary to the grand river, only to have his crew succumb to malaria and trench foot.
River trips, and its required equipment, have come a long way since the early exploratory days of historical note. Now, most trips happen in an afternoon down a short stretch of canyon, and they’ll even give you a ride back to your car. A change of dry clothes and your waterproof cameras get stashed away in the equivalent of a giant Ziploc bag, and you are safely secured with a floatation device and helmet. These are rivers; things happen, wear your helmet.
However, if you’re looking for something more than a quick morning jaunt of whitewater but still want to make it back ashore to tell someone about it, there are plenty of multi-day float trips out there that might strike your fancy.
Multi-day trips with professional outfitters provide just about everything you need to have a comfortable and safe time while taking down the river. Everything from food to tents is packed away in dry bags on one of several rafts that will serve as your primary mode of transportation. Each night, a new camp is set up on the banks of the river you just traveled down – giving you a restful night’s sleep next to the white-noise drone of a flowing river. River trips are also a great way to see entirely new places that would otherwise be inaccessible by road or trail – giving you a chance to take unique photos and have some unforgettable stories to make all of your friends jealous.
Has your interest been whetted? Here are a few river trips to look into that are worth writing home about:
Through Gates of Lodore
Featuring several Class II and III rapids, a 3-5 day float trip down the Green River in Colorado and Utah brings you through the grand landscapes of the great American West. First discovered by John Wesley Powell (yeah, that Powell) in the late 1860s, this river trip brings you through the incredible gates of Lodore, past Dinosaur National Monument, and ends you near Split Mountain Canyon. This trip is loaded with just as much history as mystery and is worth bringing your camera along for sure.
Rafting the Chattooga

Family friendly, but still full of challenge – taking a trip down the Chattooga River promises one of the most intense rapid trips east of the Mississippi. Some experience is recommended during peak water season as the rapids can reach class III and IV levels. These waters will take you over the notorious Five Falls and the Soc-em-Dog features and are sure to leave you drenched. While most of the trips chartered through Southeastern Expeditions are day-long affairs, overnight, and custom multi-day trips are available.
Got Blitzed? Put On The Ritz

If you have just spent your day getting dunked and splashed across the icy waters of the Nahatlatch River in British Columbia, why wouldn’t you want to take a hot shower? Heck, why not go for a soak in a hot tub or a full-body massage? At the REO Rafting Resort offers all of that and more with their two- or three-night glamping accommodations. You get the experience of adventure in the beautiful Canadian Rockies without having to think about what you’ll eat, where you will stay, or who will set up your tent. They handle everything!
A Case For Waterproof Paper

The premise is simple: take your craft outside. The Freeflow Institute offers unique opportunities for artists to take their craft outside and on the road. The Salmon River Writing Workshop features six days on the Main Salmon River in Idaho. Float your days, and in the evenings spend time reading, writing, and receiving one-on-one coaching about your writing from published authors. 2018 featured William deBuys, author of A Great Aridness + The Last Unicorn and 2019 has SemiRad.com’s Brendan Leonard on deck to share his expertise.
As Legend Would Have It

One does not speak of taking a river trip in California without uttering the world “Tuolumne.” This legendary river sources in Yosemite Park and winding its way through the High Sierras, the Tuolumne River takes you past the incredible rapids with ominous names such as “Nemesis” and “Gray’s Grindstone.” Through Sierra Mac River Trips, there are numerous multi-day trips available for rafters and explorers of all experience levels who provide experienced guides who can prepare delicious river-side meals and desserts.