RV travel safety considerations during the coronavirus outbreak

Team OutdoorsyMarch 24, 2020

RV travel safety considerations during the coronavirus outbreak

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on millions of people’s travel plans. Border and business closures have meant that travelers and vacationers must think carefully about their next move — and whether they should move at all. 

For those who live and work on the road, a common question you may be asking yourself is: is RV travel safe during the coronavirus outbreak? And the answer is yes, but with conditions. First, check local regulations to see if there are any restrictions on RV travel in your area. Then, read on to learn what it takes to keep you, your family, and those around you safe while partaking in RV travel during a trying time in history. 

Clean, clean, and clean some more

Be it an RV rental or an owner-occupied motorhome, it’s imperative to keep it clean! Antibacterial and antimicrobial products should be featured in any road-tripper’s arsenal for surface cleaning and handwashing

Responsible RV owners clean and disinfect their rentals before and after each rental — always ask what measures they take to clean and disinfect the RV for your use.  While on your trip, ongoing surface cleaning can go a long way when it comes to keeping your family and friends safe while navigating the countryside.

Alongside keeping up with regular RV cleaning, it’s also a good idea not to neglect your personal hygiene. Wash your hands with hot water and soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your face, and limit contact with those outside your immediate travel group. When you make stops for fuel or supplies, wipe down gas pumps and other surfaces as well, to help protect area residents and other travelers.

Practice social distancing

A relatively new term in our vocabulary is social distancing. Not only is it crucial that you know what it means, but that you actively do it! Social distancing is the process of putting distance between yourself and others. It’s avoiding bars and restaurants, groups of people, and social gatherings. And, keeping a minimum of six feet between yourself and others when you are in public, which includes when you’re out on a hiking trail or filling up at a gas station.

While social distancing on the move is a little trickier, it’s possible. Limit your family unit’s contact with others and, once again, practice personal hygiene when you do need to enter situations with other people, such as grocery shopping and emptying wastewater tanks. 

Limit tourist activities

It can be tempting on your road trip to head to tourist hot spots that have been on your must-visit list for some time. While several state parks, national parks, and similar may still be open to the public, several popular tourist hot spots are not. 

At this point in time, RV-goers may like to spend more time doing activities that promote social distancing, and less of those that can be putting themselves and others at risk. 

Play board games with your loved ones, read books, and go on nature walks in isolated areas that allow you to maintain a generous distance between yourself and others. Social distancing on the move is a different process from those in a house environment, but it’s still possible to achieve. 

If you’d like to camp in a park, be sure to check for any restrictions so you can plan accordingly. Although a park may be open for day use, it might be closed to camping.

Park up

RV travelers can find themselves on exciting adventures through different towns, cities, states, and counties. Being on the road can see the need for food and fuel stops in various locations. If there’s no genuine need for traveling long distances, then consider reducing them at this time. Always practice coronavirus travel safety. 

Park up at a beautiful campsite with plenty of supplies and away from other people. Make the most of your surroundings while having some much-needed me time. Anxiety levels can be high, so a time-out from the hustle and bustle of city life can work wonders for your mental health.


Disclaimer: Your safety is our highest priority. This article is about the general and potential benefits of RV travel during these difficult times. ALWAYS follow the guidelines of your state and local officials. If you are at higher risk for the coronavirus, please follow your doctor’s guidelines on COVID-19 travel safety.

Team Outdoorsy, Outdoorsy Author

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