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Ending Stay listings FAQ

When do my stay listings get unpublished?

You can unpublish your stay listing right now or block your calendar so that no further bookings can be made through Outdoorsy. Outdoorsy will unpublish your stay listings end of July 2024 automatically.

Does this affect my RV listings in my account as well?

No, this will only affect listings that have been listed as a stay

What do I do when I have a booking for my Stay with a check-in date that departs after October 1st 2024

You will have to cancel the booking and rebook the guest if possible outside of Outdoorsy

Should I expect a tax from Outdoorsy for stay bookings in 2024?

Yes, Outdoorsy will follow the IRS requirements for tax reporting. Learn more here.

I have a stationary camper listed as a stay. Can I list this as an RV on the Outdoorsy RV marketplace and continue bookings? 

Yes you can. You will needhave to create a new RV listing for your stationary camper and clearly indicate in your description or listing name that this camper is stationary. See how stationary rentals work and Become an RV host today