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Über Tawnye Kanumuri

Hello we are the Kanumuris. We live in beautiful Colorado and wanted the opportunity to explore its wonder in the comfort of a second home. We like to pack up the kids and dogs and head out and adventure. Whether that be at a camp ground, visiting family or exploring the great outdoors the best part of all our trips is making memories together. Our first trip wasn’t too far from home at the yogi bear park in Larkspur. One of our favorite places to visit is Eleven Mile Lake. We hope you feel right at home too on all your adventures!

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit September 2022

82 % AntwortquoteAntwortet normalerweise in weniger als 12 Stunden

Es sind keine Mietfreizeitmobile verfügbar

Tawnye Kanumuri hat zurzeit keine verfügbaren Fahrzeuge.

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