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Über Eric Carr

Florida native living and working in NYC and Saint Petersburg. I’m a software engineer by trade, and enjoy spending time outdoors, practicing and (sometimes) teaching yoga, cycling, hiking, and photography. I love languages and am currently studying Portuguese and Spanish. I’m always happy to practice with others! I’m also a big fan of travel, and I’ll try to make your rental as easy as possible, from start to finish. So, let’s get camping!

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit Januar 2023


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Erinnerungen, die während Reisen mit dem Freizeitmobil von Eric Carr entstanden sind

Melvin T.

5März 2023

Eric was responsive and just an all around good dude. Great rig with all the bells and whistles. Had a fantastic time with the family.

3 Fotos eingereicht von Melvin T.