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Über Nina Munoz

Lover of all things travel and adventure. One of my favorite things to do is explore the world with my husband and kids and embark on new adventures. Our RV is perfect to make new memories.

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit Mai 2024


95 % AntwortquoteAntwortet normalerweise in weniger als 6 Stunden

Erinnerungen, die während Reisen mit dem Freizeitmobil von Nina Munoz entstanden sind

Farzad A.

5Juni 2024

Nina was very helpful and responsive. I met her husband and he helped me with everything I needed to know about the RV. inside the RV was very clean and ready to enjoy I definitely will try rent their RV again.

Jason C.

5Juni 2024

First experience with renting an RV went great. A small issue happened but was dealt with immediately! Awesome hosts!

Antwort von Nina

Thank you Jason! It was a pleasure hosting you and your family. We hope to do so again in the future!