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Über Rafael Redwood

We purchased this RV as a spur-of-the-moment decision and honestly, regret doing so. It's not a bad unit, but all newer RV have terrible workmanship quality. For almost $300k, you'd think they'd pay more attention to detail. Sadly, American manufacturing isn't what it used to be. Do yourself a favor, if you're looking for a unit similar to ours, just rent. You'll lose WAY TOO Much Money with depreciation, maintenance, and months of downtime because of warranty work backlog. Otherwise, it's an awesome machine! You can either tow a trailer or put your toys in the garage and remain off the grid for days at a time.

Outdoorsy MitgliedGastgeber seit Januar 2022

25 % AntwortquoteAntwortet normalerweise innerhalb eines Tages

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